People picker that is showing wrong information about the user, some fields information is showing correct and some of them are wrong.
I updated those wrong fields information by using this below script. This below script worked for me.
First get the User ID of the person who is having the issue:
$user = Get-SPUser -Identity 'domain\username' -Web http://sharepointserver
Then you need to navigate to the Users details in the User Information List using their user ID you just found. This code will list all the fields for that user appearing in the User Information List
$web = Get-SPWeb http://SharePointServer
$list = $web.Lists["User Information List"]
$item = $list.GetItemById($
$list.fields | % {Write-Host "$($_.InternalName) = $($item[$_.InternalName])"}
Now you should have found the field causing the issue, so you can update it like this:
$item["FieldName"] = " "
Note: This is a manual way of searching for the right fields to update, you will need to do this for every Web Application.
I updated those wrong fields information by using this below script. This below script worked for me.
First get the User ID of the person who is having the issue:
$user = Get-SPUser -Identity 'domain\username' -Web http://sharepointserver
Then you need to navigate to the Users details in the User Information List using their user ID you just found. This code will list all the fields for that user appearing in the User Information List
$web = Get-SPWeb http://SharePointServer
$list = $web.Lists["User Information List"]
$item = $list.GetItemById($
$list.fields | % {Write-Host "$($_.InternalName) = $($item[$_.InternalName])"}
Now you should have found the field causing the issue, so you can update it like this:
$item["FieldName"] = " "
Note: This is a manual way of searching for the right fields to update, you will need to do this for every Web Application.