Tuesday, October 18, 2016

You cannot access a WebDAV Web folder from a Windows-based client computer

Unable to browse large document library in explorer view

When Users are  trying to open SharePoint document library with many files(If document library contains more than 10,000 items) using explorer view they may get the following error message:

  \\server\webfolder\folder is not accessible. You might not have permission to
use this network resource.
Contact the administrator of this server to find
out if you have access permissions.

A device attached to the system is not functioning.


To work around this problem, you need to modify the windows registry on the client computer.

Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.
Locate and then click the following registry subkey:
Data Type: DWORD
Default Value: 1,000,000
decimal (1 MB)

Change the default value to a larger number, e.g. 100000000 for 100mb.

Exit Registry Editor

Restart WebClient service,

net stop webclient
net start webclient

Monday, October 17, 2016

PowerShell Script to List All Users who have access into document library in SharePoint site

Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell"

$web = Get-SPWeb -Identity https://bw.bytes.co.za/applications/

$list = $web.Lists[“Client Billing”]
$siteCollUsers = $web.SiteUsers

$filename = "E:\Applications\application_usersxyz1.csv"

foreach($MyUser in $siteCollUsers)
#Write-Host ” ————————————- ”
#Write-Host “Site Collection URL:”, $SiteCollectionURL
if($list.DoesUserHavePermissions([Microsoft.SharePoint.SPBasePermissions]::ViewListItems,$MyUser) -eq $true)
#Write-Host “User : “, $MyUser.LoginName
#Write-Host “Assigned Permissions : “, $list.GetUserEffectivePermissions($MyUser.LoginName)

 "User:" + $MyUser.UserLogin +"     "+ "User Name: " +$MyUser.name + "     " + "Email: " +$MyUser.Email  | Out-File $filename -Append

#Write-Host ” ————————————- ”

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

PowerShell Script to List All Users in All Groups in SharePoint site(SharePoint 2010)

we can run below PowerShell script in SharePoint 2010 management Shell to get  List All Users in All Groups in SharePoint site.

Inputs : $siteUrl,  $filename

$siteUrl="site url"  # url name
$web = Get-SPWeb $siteUrl
$site = $web.Site
$rootWeb = $site.RootWeb
$filename = "E:\Applications\application_users.csv"    # file path name
foreach($group in $site.RootWeb.SiteGroups)
   "Group:" + $group.Name | Out-File $filename -Append
   foreach ($user in $group.Users)
       "User:" + $user.UserLogin +"     "+ "User Name: " +$user.name + "     " + "Email: " +$user.Email  | Out-File $filename -Append