To find out all the documents with the last modified date using PowerShell Script
Site level,
If you want to find out in a specific
site , please use the following script. Provide the site URL where heighted.
Get-SPWeb http://yoursite[site Url] | Select
-ExpandProperty Lists | Where {-not $_.hidden -and $_.GetType().Name -eq
"SPDocumentLibrary" } | Select -ExpandProperty Items | Select Name, {
$_["Modified"] } | Out-File C:\filename.txt
Site Collection level,
If you want to find out in entire site
collection, please use the following script. Provide the site collection URL
where heighted.
Get-SPSite http://yoursite[site collection url]
| Select -ExpandProperty AllWebs | Select -ExpandProperty Lists | Where {-not
$_.hidden -and $_.GetType().Name -eq "SPDocumentLibrary" } | Select
-ExpandProperty Items | Select Name, { $_["Modified"] } | Out-File C:\filename.txt